A soldier's daughter
“My father is military, not an officer. Here I humorously question how this affected my personality. The text analyses the world of the army, apparently so far from the theatre, its social, family and intimate dimension. I play this show in duo with a musician with a certain pleasure of variation and of improvisation.” Clyde Chabot
A Soldier’s Daughter is a theater and music duo in which Clyde Chabot questions with sensitivity and humor the consequences of his father’s profession on his personality.
She plays this 30-minute duet with Thierry Madiot. The project also exists in the form of variations with different musicians (Eryck Abecassis, eRikm…) or a recreation with a local musician. For small instruments, the show is augmented by the video creation of Patrick Laffont de Lojo. The next creation will take place in the United States at Emory University in March 2021 with guitarist Luther Enloe.
Text, conception and play : Clyde Chabot
Music : Eryck Abecassis (stage edition #2), Thierry Madiot (stage edition #3), eRikm (stage edition #4), Lamine Diagne (stage edition #5) ou Thierry Robert (stage edition #6) ou Kenneth Cosimo (stage edition #6)
Outside view: Stéphane Olry
Video and lights : Iannis Japiot
Photo : Hervé Bellamy
CHICAGO-Reconstitution & Fille de Militaire
Wednesday 11 December 2024 - 20 h 00 - 21 h 00 at Atelier du PlateauCHICAGO-Reconstitution & Fille de Militaire
Thursday 12 December 2024 - 20 h 00 - 21 h 00 at Atelier du PlateauCHICAGO-Reconstitution & Fille de Militaire
Friday 13 December 2024 - 20 h 00 - 21 h 00 at Atelier du Plateau
Even the one closest to you, he has rallied her.
And she has joined the adversary
She let herself be convinced, be contaminated by the environment
And then be cornered.
She has concealed the harmful actions incited against you… She has thus validated them.
She has become, in spite of herself, witness – And thus accomplice – to the low blows deliberately struck against you in front of her.
And She did not say a word, could not say, did not know how to say, did not know how to tell you.
So she has chosen her side. She has joined the adversaries
To form with them, this time, a veritable army, a legion, a coalition.
Vanishing endlessly into the desert.
And from now on you are alone, naked, unarmed facing the enemy, feet on the ground, submitting.. There is no way out.
So you must ELIMINATE HIM, this enemy. Reduce him to dust.
But which enemy?
“At her side, a musician, multi-instrumentalist, who changes according to the context of representation. Clyde Chabot loves working by successive variations, without freezing her artwork in a final form. She works by stage editions but the basic device remains the same each time; in the case of “A soldier’s daughter”,
she plays her monologue facing the public, the music and the text mixing and the stage partner in charge of the sound and musical accompaniment change and the tone instituted is renewed according to the music elaborated by the duo, sometimes entirely written upstream in a close exchange with the author, sometimes drawn in its outline, its changes of hues, leaving a breach to improvisation.
(…) And even if the text remains the same, each time, dramatic poem digging the trail of a family heritage underpinned by war, orders, hierarchy, subordination, the representation is renewed each time from within by the complementarity presence of a different musician, giving the text a thousand varied reflections. “
Marie Plantin, Remue.net
Action financée par la Région Île-de-France, avec le soutien de la SPEDIDAM*
LA SPEDIDAM est une société de perception et de distribution qui gère les droits des artistes interprètes en matière d’enregistrement, de diffusion et de réutilisation des prestations enregistrées.